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The 8th Continent:
Creative Solutions for Savings our Oceans
Lenka Petráková & Plastic Ocean Project
Watch the recorded webinar!
On Tuesday, March 16, 2021, the Slovak-American Cultural Center organized a webinar that explored one of the world's biggest challenges: ocean pollution. Slovak architect Lenka Petráková, winner of the 2020 Grand Prix Award for Architecture and Innovation of Sea from the Jacques Rougerie Foundation - Institut de France, presents her design concept, "The 8th Continent," which offers a solution to a crucial part of this problem. Lenka presents her prototype ocean cleaning facility that removes plastics from our oceans while simultaneously accomplishing several other tasks. Joining the discussion are Bonnie Monteleone, founder of Plastic Ocean Project, a non-profit whose mission is to educate the public through field research and implement outreach initiatives addressing the global plastics pollution problem, and Nick Adamo, technology executive and founder of Making a Mark, a charitable foundation dedicated to empowering change through awareness, knowledge and inclusive opportunities targeting the environment and education.
Suggested Instagram pages to follow: PlasticTides, Ecocentral, uselessplastic,, a.plastic.ocean, uncwpop, plasticoceans, plasticpollutes, makingamark_foundation
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